Venerdì, 26 aprile 2024 - ore 06.57

Speciale Nelson Mandela (video)

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Speciale Nelson Mandela (video)

Speciale Nelson Mandela (video)
La prima intervista a Nelson Mandela
21 Maggio 1961 Inchiesta INT sull'Apartheid e intervista al leader dell'ANC. Nelson Mandela, already a leading figure in resistance to apartheid, was asked by ITN's Brian Widlake, for his views about the campaign to secure the franchise for South Africa's black population. It is part of a longer ITN Roving Report news programme about Apartheid.

Raw footage (1975) L'Apartheid in Sud Africa
Documentario istituzionale USA. (TheFilmArchive)

Nelson Mandela
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Mvezo, 18 luglio 1918) è un politico sudafricano, primo presidente a essere eletto dopo la fine dell'apartheid nel suo Paese e premio Nobel per la pace nel 1993 insieme al suo predecessore Frederik Willem de Klerk. A lungo uno dei leader del movimento anti-apartheid, ebbe un ruolo determinante nella caduta di tale regime, pur passando in carcere gran parte degli anni dell'attivismo anti-segregazionista. Mandela è il cognome assunto dal nonno. Il nome "Rolihlahla" (letteralmente "colui che provoca guai") gli fu attribuito alla nascita; "Nelson" gli fu invece assegnato alle scuole elementari. Il nomignolo Madiba, con cui è anche noto, è il suo nome di clan Xhosa (la sua etnia di appartenenza). (AccasFilm)

The Life and Times of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
This video is a narrated version of The Life and Times of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Nelson Mandela Center of Memory)

The Life and Times of Nelson Mandela part 1 (Animated Legacy Comic Series).
Copyright: Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory. Produced: Umlando Wezithombe (Nelson Mandela Center of Memory)

The Life and Times of Nelson Mandela part 2 (Animated Legacy Comic Series).

Copyright: Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory. Produced: Umlando Wezithombe (Nelson Mandela Center of Memory)

The Life and Times of Nelson Mandela part 3 (Animated Legacy Comic Series).
Copyright: Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory. Produced: Umlando Wezithombe (Nelson Mandela Center of Memory)

The Life and Times of Nelson Mandela part 4 (Animated Legacy Comic Series).
Copyright: Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory. Produced: Umlando Wezithombe (Nelson Mandela Center of Memory)

Nelson Mandela In Conversation with Ahmed Kathrada
This video is a clip from Nelson Mandela In Conversation with lifelong struggle-activist Mr. Ahmed Kathrada (Nelson Mandela Center of Memory)

Mandela: la povertà non è naturale, è opera dell'uomo!
Messaggio per il G8 del 2005. Nelson Mandela Make Poverty History. Nelson Mandela urges us to "Be The Great Generation" and calls world leaders to act at the G8 summit and not to hesitate. "Poverty is not natural, it is man-made"

Nelson Mandela: ILO must work to make decent work a global reality
In June 2007, the ILO awarded its first annual Decent Work Research Prize to Nobel Peace laureate and former South African President Nelson Mandela. Mr. Mandela was honoured for his exceptional "lifetime contribution to knowledge, understanding and advocacy on the central concerns of the ILO". In response he sent this video message to address delegates at the 96th International Labour Conference. (ILOTV)


Mary Burton
Dal Sud Africa a Brescia. Le lotte, l'impegno, la solidarietà, della donna voluta da Nelson Mandela nella Commissione per la Riconciliazione

COSATU: The Workers are coming! 1.a parte
Documentario della metà degli anni ’80 sulla storia e le lotte del sindacato sudafricano, il Congress of South African Trade Union, contro il regime razzista dell’Apartheid e per i diritti dei lavoratori. Recuperato nell’Archivio della Camera del Lavoro di Bergamo.

COSATU: The Workers are coming! 2.a parte
Documentario della metà degli anni ’80 sulla storia e le lotte del sindacato sudafricano, il Congress of South African Trade Union, contro il regime razzista dell’Apartheid e per i diritti dei lavoratori. Recuperato nell’Archivio della Camera del Lavoro di Bergamo.

COSATU: The Workers are coming! 3.a parte
Documentario della metà degli anni ’80 sulla storia e le lotte del sindacato sudafricano, il Congress of South African Trade Union, contro il regime razzista dell’Apartheid e per i diritti dei lavoratori. Recuperato nell’Archivio della Camera del Lavoro di Bergamo.

Il Cosatu celebra i suoi primi 25 anni
Il più potente sindacato dei lavoratori del Sud Africa ha avuto relazioni rocciose praticamente con ogni governo dopo l'avvento della democrazia in Sud Africa nel 1994. ABN ha invitato a discutere i recenti avvenimenti e a rappresentare le prospettive del Cosatu il Segretario Generale, Zwelinzima Vavi. (

Cosatu contro l'AIDS. Beat It!
In this insert we covered the Congress of South Africa Trade Unions (COSATU) and the Treatment Action Campaign's (TAC) Treatment Congress

South Africa: Trade union-political cooperation
Before the fall of the apartheid system in South Africa, COSATU (Congress of South African trade unions) formed a part of the liberation movement ANC. Today - when the ANC is a party in government - the relationship has moved on. - There are instances where we work very well together and there are instances where there are challenges and difficulties, says Bongani Masuku, internatonal secretary of COSATU. The film was produced by the Palmecenter in 2012. Memberorganizations and other intrerested parties are welcome to share this video and use it for educational purposes. (Olof Palme International Centre)

E le lavoratrici sudafricane si mettono a ballare
E' successo a Genova. Una delegazione di lavoratrici in visita alla Camera del lavoro canta l'inno nazionale e improvvisa una danza nei corridoi

Miriam Makeba: una voce contro la povertà e l'ingiustizia
La FAO Ricorda Miriam Makeba, cantante, militante, Ambasciatrice e portavoce delle lotte contro la fame e la povertà A tribute to Miriam Makeba - FAO Goodwill Ambassador 10 November, Rome. The sudden death of South African singer and human rights activist Miriam Makeba, 76, has claimed the voice of one of FAOs most dedicated advocates, FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf said today. For nearly a decade, FAO Goodwill Ambassador Miriam Makeba was a strong supporter of FAOs fight to reduce hunger and improve the livelihoods of the worlds poorest people, FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf said on learning of Makebas death. Mama Africa spoke out against the violence, inequality and disease that kept many people, especially women and children, living in conditions of extreme poverty. Over the years, she had participated in a long list of events and concerts organized by FAO, including performances to raise funds for FAO TeleFood projects in South Africa, Jamaica and Spain. Makeba was active in FAOs communications campaigns against hunger, both in interviews with the international news media and through public service announcements. In April 2001, Makeba visited FAO post-emergency projects in Mozambique, increasing the visibility and impact of FAOs activities in Africa. On her last official mission on behalf of FAO, in March 2008, Makeba travelled to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to visit FAO emergency projects designed to help survivors of violence and HIV positive women and men feed their families and revive their livelihoods through farming

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